Facial Philosophies

The key is to find the perfect fit between person and brand; PR matchmaking you could say. We have successfully paired dozens of brands over the years with suitable speakers to provide a voice or even a missing skill or area of expertise.

We’ve matched a lip treatment with a GP, a radio frequency treatment with a sex therapist, a vlogger with a skincare range, a dental product with a celebrity, a supplement with a nutritionist, a skin service with a top dermatologist, a surgeon with a non-invasive treatment…and so on…the list goes on. Often, we can negotiate the right person with a very reasonable, cost-conscious budget and in some cases informally (i.e. with no fee changing hands between brand and PR brand ambassador).


We don’t just provide an introduction, we:

  • Research extensively to find the right person to align with
  • Prepare a short-list to choose from and conduct screening interviews
  • We conduct due diligence and supply profiles and imagery for your selection
  • Negotiate your chosen ambassador’s scope of work, contract and rates on your behalf
  • Ensure the contract is executed to the letter
  • Media train the ambassador to be media-ready with your messages, preparing for even the trickiest of questions
  • Provide a full brief before each and every activity
  • Evaluate the benefit of the activity post contract term